Saturday, October 27, 2018

Why you should drink water after waking up ?

 Waking up in the morning means start of a new day.But the way we start our day is with Coffee or Tea. These are basically diuretics and will increase urination. Right after waking up,when your body did not get water for a long time,increased urination can prove as a burden for the body.

So, what do you think is a good way to kick start a day.

Drink as much as 500 ml after waking up.After waking up leaves our body dehydrated. Your brain is composed of 75% of water. Lack of water make result in indecision. Our kidney can find it difficult to clean wastes and toxins to wash away with out enough water.

Dry lip and dry skin is another sign of dehydration right after waking up. Drink as much as you can.Many people do not like drink a lot of water. Just try to give yourself a reward after drinking a glass full of water. may be lemon tea.

Another thing, well hydrated people consume less food. And don't be surprised. At least you don't have infinite stomach space.
You can also check this video for visualization.
Also follow in:
Drink water after waking up is a good habit .Reasons behind Drinking water after waking up

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