Friday, October 26, 2018

Cryovolcano :The Volcano which erupts ice

A cryovolcano is a type of volcano that erupts volatiles such as water,
ammonia or methane, instead of molten rock. Collectively referred to as
cryomagma, cryolava or ice-volcanic melt, these substances are usually
liquids and can form plumes, but can also be in vapor form. Wikipedia
Sp basically cryovolcano are special kind of volcano who are often known as ice volcano. Though cryovolcano particularly signifies the extraterrestrial ice volcanoes. Particular those which are in Ceres, Enceladus, Titan or in Triton .
Here we can see because of tidal heating ,the hydro thermal circulation  pressurize the water and liquid methane and ammonia to errup through the vent of the surface.And this is a cold geyser and by studying it we can have idea about how can a cryovolcano works. Though in case of ice volcano heat does not play a great role.

The earthly version is refereed as ice volcano. An ice volcano is a conical mound of ice formed over a terrestrial lake via the eruption of water and slush through an ice shelf. The process is wave-driven, with wind providing the energy for the waves to cut through the ice and form the volcanoes. After being ejected into the atmosphere, the liquid water and slush
freeze and fall back to the surface, growing the formation. Ice may also
be erupted. The phenomenon is most often observed along the southern
coast of  Lake Erie and Lake Ontario,
when the temperature is below freezing and the wind blows onshore with a
velocity of at least 40 km/h. They are known to reduce coastal erosion
there. The formations are temporary — they are frequently destroyed by
storms and warm weather, and once the lake wholly freezes over,
eruptions are no longer possible.

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